Euring General Assembly 2024 - Hungary, Tata

Dear colleagues, 
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the next Euring General Assembly to be held in Hungary, 6-8 November 2024. 

The meeting is held in Hungary, at the city of Tata, on 6-8 November 2024. The meeting takes place in the city, next to the Old Lake (Öreg-tó), which is an important and spectacular migration site for waterfowl. Tata lakes belong to the Ramsar Convention since 1989. At the beginning of November, the geese are just arriving at the lake system, but even in this period we will enjoy a beautiful view. 

The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (Hungarian: “Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület”, MME), also known as BirdLife Hungary, is a non-profit ornithological and nature conservation organisation, founded in Hungary in 1974. Its mission is to protect wild birds and help preserve biodiversity. MME (BirdLife Hungary) is 50 years old this year, which is an important year for us. That is why we applied to organize the EURING General Assembly in 2024. Although there have already been two EGMs in Hungary (in Visegrád in 1990, in Fertőújlak in 2007), we are pleased to invite again the managers and employees of the EURING partner centres to Tata, the city of geese, in the fall of 2024. 

The programme and papers for the General Meeting will be available in the members area of EURING web page. 

Please, only representatives of EURING partner bird ringing centers should register on this page.
