Red-necked Grebe Status and Occurence Distribution and Trends Distribution in Hungary Ringing data Media Links BirdLife fact sheet >> 2015 European Red List assessment (PDF) >> Xeno-canto bird sounds >> PreviousNext Name and code Hungarian name Vörösnyakú vöcsök Scientific name Podiceps grisegena English name Red-necked Grebe EURING code 00100 HURING code PODENA Body length (cm) 40-50 Weight of male (g) 800-900 Weight of female (g) 700-900 Wingspan (cm) 77-85 Taxonomy Order Vöcsökalakúak Podicipediformes Family Vöcsökfélék Podicipedidae Protection Legal protection in Hungary strictly protected Nature conservation value (HUF) 250 000 HUF Red list (global) LC – Least Concern Red list (Europe) VU – Vulnerable Red list (EU) VU – Vulnerable