Hungarian Woodpecker Group

The Hungarian Woodpecker Group is a network of people with a keen interest in woodpeckers and their habitats. Our mission is to improve the knowledge of woodpeckers through observation and study. Our members (professionals and amateurs, full-time and voluntary) aim to gather data on the status and distribution of Hungary’s nine species. We also aim to promote a greater interest in woodpeckers amongst the general public.
Group leader: Gorman Gerard
E-mail: picidae.gerard@gmail.com
Secretary: Cserép György
E-mail: gyorgy.cserep@gmail.com
Ornithological Coordinator: Frank Tamás
E-mail: tamasfrank7@gmail.com
White-backed Woodpecker Working Group Coordinator: Molnár Márton
E-mail: marcipalkata@gmail.com
Wryneck Working Group Coordinator: Klébert Antal
E-mail: klebertantal@gmail.com
Official Facebook page:
MME Harkályvédelmi Szakosztály / Hungarian Woodpecker Group
Official Instagram page:
MME Harkályvédelmi Szakosztály / Hungarian Woodpecker Group