Wryneck Working Group
Coordinátor: Antal Klébert
E-mail: klebertantal@gmail.com

The Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) is the only European woodpecker species that is a true migratory bird. The species is not uncommon in Hungary but has declined in number as it has elsewhere in Europe. The reasons for its decline are not fully understood, but probably involve problems in European breeding areas, African wintering areas and at migration stop-overs in the Mediterranean basin.

In the spring of 2021, a few members of the HVSZ who have a particular interest in Wryneck decided to start a pilot project. This mainly involved putting up nest-boxes in the Vértes Hill and the Börzsöny Hills. After securing funding from a private donation, more boxes were made and put up in the Vértes in March 2022. The aim at present is to gather more information on the species in Hungary. In the future, a nationwide survey of the population is planned.
At present the HVSZ is looking for MME members who would like to form and join a Wryneck Working Group. If you are a ringer who regularly catches Wrynecks, or you have a pair breeding near you, or you are just interested in this fascinating species, please get in touch.