Marbled Duck Status and Occurence Ringing data The species was not ringed or recovered in Hungary. Name and code Hungarian name Márványos réce Scientific name Marmaronetta angustrirostris English name Marbled Duck EURING code 01950 HURING code MARANG Body length (cm) 39-42 Weight of male (g) 535-590 Weight of female (g) 450-535 Wingspan (cm) 63-67 Taxonomy Order Ducks, Geese, Screamers, Swans, Waterfowl Anseriformes Family Récefélék Anatidae Protection Legal protection in Hungary strictly protected Nature conservation value (HUF) 250 000 HUF Red list (global) VU – Vulnerable Red list (Europe) VU – Vulnerable Red list (EU) EN – Endangered Bird Protection Directive I. appendix