Lesser Grey Shrike Status and Occurence Distribution and Trends Distribution in Hungary Population trend Information about the graph: Bird Atlas of Hungary Ringing data Media Links BirdLife fact sheet >> 2015 European Red List assessment (PDF) >> Xeno-canto bird sounds >> PreviousNext Name and code Hungarian name Kis őrgébics Scientific name Lanius minor English name Lesser Grey Shrike EURING code 15190 HURING code LANMIN Body length (cm) 20 Weight of male (g) 41-50 Weight of female (g) 41-50 Wingspan (cm) 32-35 Taxonomy Order Verébalakúak Passeriformes Family Gébicsfélék Laniidae Protection Legal protection in Hungary protected Nature conservation value (HUF) 50 000 HUF Red list (global) LC – Least Concern Red list (Europe) LC – Least Concern Red list (EU) LC – Least Concern Bird Protection Directive I. appendix