Lesser Scaup Status and Occurence Male Ringing data The species was not ringed or recovered in Hungary. Links BirdLife fact sheet >> Xeno-canto bird sounds >> PreviousNext Name and code Hungarian name Búbos réce Scientific name Aythya affinis English name Lesser Scaup EURING code 02050 HURING code AYTAFF Body length (cm) 39-46 Weight of male (g) 575-1200 Weight of female (g) 550-1100 Wingspan (cm) 68-78 Taxonomy Order Ducks, Geese, Screamers, Swans, Waterfowl Anseriformes Family Récefélék Anatidae Protection Legal protection in Hungary of European importance Nature conservation value (HUF) 25 000 HUF Red list (global) LC – Least Concern Red list (EU) NE – Not Evaluated