Bar-headed Goose Status and Occurence Ringing data Links BirdLife fact sheet >> Xeno-canto bird sounds >> Name and code Hungarian name Indiai lúd Scientific name Anser indicus English name Bar-headed Goose EURING code 01620 HURING code ANSIND Body length (cm) 68-78 Weight of male (g) 2000-3000 Weight of female (g) 2000-3000 Wingspan (cm) 140-160 Taxonomy Order Ducks, Geese, Screamers, Swans, Waterfowl Anseriformes Family Récefélék Anatidae Protection Legal protection in Hungary of European importance Nature conservation value (HUF) 25 000 HUF Red list (global) LC – Least Concern Red list (EU) NE – Not Evaluated